CT Physics Evaluations & Accreditation
Access Physics conducts medical physics performance evaluations for regulatory compliance as well as accreditation. Having conducted phantom image acquisition and dose measurements for ACR CT Accreditation since the inception of the program in 2002, our chief physicist has performed hundreds of CT accreditations. He understands the accreditation requirements, not only for the phantom imaging component but for the clinical submission as well. At Access Physics, we assist our customers with all aspects of their accreditation submission to ensure their success. As with all other imaging modalities, the physicists at Access Physics can function independently on your CT scanner and only need to meet with your technologist to briefly discuss their quality control needs and any questions they may have.
If you do not need accreditation assistance, Access Physics can still assist you. The CT physics evaluations we provide are compliant with both Joint Commission standards for advanced imaging modalities as well as regulatory requirements of your state.
Contact us today to inquire about the CT physics services offered by Access Physics.